How can we save our Planet?
Take a moment and register now at Energy Tomorrow – and just save the world! Find out what you have to expect at Energy Tomorrow 2021:
Keynote: Climate Change – Facts vs. Fake & Fiction
Marcus Wadsak, Meteorologist will give a lecture on the topics of environment & environmental protection and climate & climate change.
Why CEE must take a leading role in the Clean Energy Revolution
Innovation experts from Globsec will have a talk on stage about what have to be done in the CEE region for an Energy Revolution.
Innovative Ideas & Solutions
TPA expert Johannes Becker will focus on the role of Green Hydrogen, Wojciech Sztuba will inform you how PV & wind energy can be boosted, Schoenherr attorney Bernd Rajal will talk about Energy Communities in Europe. Andreas Glatzl will introduce Emission-free heating and cooling supply with an example and Robert Punzenberger together with Klemens Marx will have the last presentation, called: PowerPack Property – A building as a small power plant.